Say Thank You - Communicating Appreciation In The Workplace

Communicating appreciation in the workplace is such underrated, yet easy way to improve workplace morale and productivity all around. 

Let me ask you this - How often is your hard work overlooked? When was the last time your busyness was ever given a thank you? Do you ever feel taken for granted in the workplace?

ICYMI: Employee engagement, trust in organizations, and employee wellbeing declined in the U.S. in 2022 (Gallup, April 2022). And as we navigate inflation, layoffs, and social/political turmoil in 2023, I would imagine the workforce at large is battling constant turmoil both inside and outside the workplace.

When everything around us feels out of our control — demanding clients, immediate deadlines, and tragic current events — We can control how we treat other people. 

And that matters a whole lot when it comes to collaborating with others the workplace.

Sending a note of appreciation isn’t just for the coworker or client who’s love language is ‘words of affirmation’. Taking the time out of your day to send a kind email, leave a voicemail or give someone kudos at the end of the meeting is crucial for collaboration and engagement. 

I don’t have all the answers but I wholeheartedly believe that within all the chaos of the market/economy/business, it matters when we treat the people we work with, with respect and appreciation. These individuals, afterall, have the most impact on our success, productivity, and mental well-being in the workplace. 

We never know what people are going through. We don’t know the type of morning someone had before they started work. And we don’t know what they are going home to after 5pm. 

But we can control how we treat other people. And if we are spending 40+ hours a week with colleagues and clients, we sure as hell better know how to communicate with civility and respect so we can make all our work lives a little more bearable. 

Effective communication can present itself in many forms and appreciation is one of the most simple, yet effective ways to cultivate a positive workplace culture. And yet… most of us are too busy to even think about sending gratitude and appreciation - let alone actually adding it to our to do list. 

So I challenge us to be the change we want to see in the workplace. 

Being intentional about communicating appreciation in the workplace won’t solve world peace but it will - 

  1. Improve culture 

  2. Improve employee engagement 

Here’s how to communicate appreciation in the workplace -

  1. Pick a day. Every week pick a day where you can commit to sending at least one note of appreciation

  2. Start a list. As you are working on projects/tasks with different people throughout the week, make note of who is participating and contributing. Jot down who helped you on any given day, who made your life a little easier, or someone who simply made work feel a little less “busy” 

  3. Use a template. Take one of the 5 templates I have already curated for you below and make it your own

  4. Send! On your dedicated day, pick the person, write the note and off it goes. Bonus points if you communicate it in person or over the phone

Recognition can come in the forms of: hand written cards, gift cards, coffee, flowers, and simply a nice text/email/phone call. 

Do not underestimate the power of a job well done. Communicate appreciation to the people you work with. All year round. 

Civil Communication is the key ingredient to creating and fostering positive, inclusive and belonging organizations. Celebrate your people!

Here are the templates to help you communicate appreciation - 

Hey coworker, 

You’ve been incredibly helpful this week and I couldn’t let the week get away from me without saying thank you! Thank you for your help!

Hey boss, 

I know work has been incredibly busy lately. Sending a note of appreciation for all your hard work. Thank you for all that you do!

Hey employee, 

The excellent work you are doing does not go unnoticed. I really appreciate your time, attention, and dedication you’ve been giving to the team lately. Thank you for all that you do!

Hey client, 

It’s been great working with you lately. Thank you for being so helpful and making this working relationship a success!

Hey anyone,

Before we get sucked into the busyness of the week, I wanted to send a quick note of appreciation for all that you do. It matters and it makes a difference. Thank you!

Jenna Rogers

Founder + CEO of Career Civility

A passion for changing the conversation in the workplace

Essential Communication Skill - Clarifying


Life Changes + Unemployment