ROI of Civil Communication

If you are like most are wondering how Civil Communication can actually affect return on investment.

So let’s break it down -

The easiest way to understand what civil communication is, and how it impacts your workplace, is to discuss what it isn’t. In other words -- how incivility plagues your office.

Here are some examples (and feel free to comment with more that we can explore later):

+The passive aggressive comment your manager makes when you get into the office at 9:15 even though you have flexible work hours

+The feeling of hostility you encounter when you get promoted over another one of your coworkers

+The dreadful two hour meetings where eyes are constantly rolling and you are doing anything other than listening

+The drama in the office that may be about you or others

+The overly aggressive emails (you know the ones)

+And how about when someone replies to an email with ‘k’

It has become common for executives, managers, and the rest of the business world to be complacent and compliant with these acts and to blame it on the lack of unprofessionalism.

So what is the ROI of Civil Communication?

+Retention of clients

+Positive relationship between managers and subordinates

+Stronger relations amongst colleagues

+A more productive workplace

If you are still skeptical... think about a time you worked with a rude vendor or a passive aggressive manager. Did you renew that contract? Or did you continue to work with that vendor? And what about your manager? Did you continue to work hard for him or her? Did you trust your relationship? Think about how much revenue is lost because of the inability to understand and implement civil communication in the workplace. Not only does it affect your clients and your teams, but it affects your bottom line.

Here at Career Civility, we will continue to talk about what Civil Communication is, how it is enacted, and how it can help in your workplace.

Jenna Rogers

Founder + CEO of Career Civility

A passion for changing the conversation in the workplace

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