Tips On Asking for A Raise

Asking for a raise can feel intimidating with unclear steps on where to start, what to ask for, and how to ask for it. As a communications professional, I’m here to help you make the ask and have the big conversation by breaking down practical steps you need to advocate for your worth in the workplace. You’ll walk away with the exact scripts to use and strategies to prepare yourself for success.

Let’s start with the facts: women make 84 cents to every dollar a man earns. That statistic alone should be enough to empower you to speak up for what you deserve: you deserve more money. Full stop. 

If you’re tired of being overworked and underpaid, good. Use that to fuel going after what you want. With the right mindset and tools, you’ll feel more confident and prepared to have the money conversation. Let’s dive in.

Step #1: Get Comfortable Talking About Finances and Compensation

Growing up in sales, I learned that money isn’t a taboo topic. On-target earnings were a regular discussion, and compensation plans were updated quarterly, if not monthly. I was lucky my career started in an industry where compensation was not taboo but an incredible incentive to do great work. No matter your industry, it’s time to normalize talking about finances.

The first step to asking for a raise is getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Start by having open conversations about compensation, benefits, and career goals with trusted people in your life—friends, partners, or mentors. Here are some prompts to kick-start those discussions:

  • “I’m curious what projects you’re working on at work. Do you enjoy the work in relation to the hours you put in?”

  • “How do you think about the work you do and the lifestyle you live?”

  • “Tell me about your career and financial goals. What does that look like for you?”

  • “I’m struggling to figure out what I should be asking for in my career. Would you be open to chatting about this?”

  • “Do you have a mentor or advisor you trust to talk about work-related stuff?”

While you don’t need to interrogate cousin Nick at Thanksgiving about his paycheck, you should aim to have regular, meaningful conversations about work-related responsibilities, expectations, and compensation. These discussions will build your confidence and help you gather insights into industry standards.

Step #2: Start Communicating Your Worth in the Workplace

Advocating for a raise doesn’t have to wait until your annual performance review. It starts well before that by consistently communicating the value you bring to your organization. Remember: while you’re busy doing the work, others are too busy with their own tasks to notice everything you’re accomplishing. Here’s how to make sure your contributions are visible:

  • Incorporate Your Work Into Everyday Conversations

Instead of relying on small talk at the beginning of meetings, highlight what’s on your agenda:

  • “Thanks for joining the meeting today! While we wait to get started, I’m curious what everyone’s working on. I’ve been focused on [insert key projects or tasks]. How about you?”

  • Write Emails with Purpose

When drafting emails, explain the “why” behind your work and document your contributions:

“Hi [Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today!
Here’s a quick recap of our conversation today:

Goal: [state the objective, e.g., “advertise your brand to drive sales”]

Actions: [list your work, e.g., “create content, develop a marketing strategy, build a calendar”]

Next steps:

[Outline what’s next]

Questions? Feedback? I’m here to help!


[your Name]”

  • Use 1:1 Meetings to Your Advantage

When meeting with your manager, ask for feedback and reinforce your contributions:

  • “Do you have any feedback for me?”

  • “Is there anything I could be doing better?”

  • “How do you think about the contributions I’ve made recently?”

  • Engage with Coworkers

Ask your colleagues about their projects and goals. Show genuine interest, and when possible, tie your work back to theirs:

  • “How can I support you to be more successful in your role?”

By building relationships and showcasing your impact, you create a narrative that reinforces your worth.

Step #3: Build a Case for Your Raise

Now that you’ve established a pattern of communicating your value, it’s time to prepare for the actual raise conversation. After all the research you’ve done, information conversations you’ve had around compensation, and have clearly communicated your worth through your work, it should be clear to you AND your manager that you are ready to discuss an increase in compensation. When going into the conversation, you should be thinking “I’m more than ready for this!” And your boss should be thinking “I had a feeling this was coming” 

Here are a few tips for when that time comes:

  1. Document Your Achievements: Keep a running list of accomplishments, metrics, and positive feedback. Use specific examples to demonstrate your impact.

  2. Research Market Rates: Use tools like Glassdoor or LinkedIn Salary Insights to understand industry benchmarks for your role.

  3. Practice Your Script: Rehearse what you’ll say and anticipate potential objections. Here’s a sample script:

“Hey boss,

The goal of this conversation is to discuss my compensation and earning potential.

As a [insert job title] with a tenure of [ # of years] in this role, I have positively contributed to the goals of the business through,

  • #1 [insert quantitative impact]

  • #2 [insert quantitative impact]

  • #3 [insert qualitative impact]

I’m currently at [insert current salary/compensation package] and based on my contributions, believe I should be at [insert goal amount here].

Do you think this is feasible? If so, what is the timeline and how can we work together to accomplish this?

I really appreciate your support and time in helping me accomplish both my professional and financial goals.”

Asking for a raise doesn’t have to be a high-pressure, make-or-break conversation. By consistently communicating your value, having open discussions about compensation, and preparing your case, you’ll feel more confident when the time comes to ask.

Start today by taking small steps: talk about finances with trusted individuals, document your achievements, and practice advocating for yourself. You’ve got this!

Jenna Rogers

Founder + CEO of Career Civility

A passion for changing the conversation in the workplace

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